Change for Life
Baby Bottle Campaign
1 P.M. - 6 P.M.
1 P.M. - 5 P.M.
1 P.M. - 5 P.M.
10 A.M. - 2 P.M.
Change For Life
The change for Life Baby Bottle Campaign is a fun way for individuals, families, churches, organizations and even schools to support Abigail Women’s Center.
Give Online
Please give online to the
Change for Life Bottle Campaign
It’s Easy
Abigail Women’s Center provides empty baby bottles to many locations including churches, organizations, and schools. Individuals and families take them home for one month and fill the baby bottles with loose pocket changes, bills or even checks made out to Abigail Women’s Center.
After a month, the filled bottles are brought back to the original location where Abigail Women’s Center will collect them. The money is then tallied and reported back on the total amount raised
Your Change Provides
- $45 – 2 weeks supply of baby formula
- $55 – 3 weeks supply of diapers
- $125 – 1 car seat for safe travels
- $175 – 1 crib for sound sleep
- $250 – Pregnancy & infant classes
- A new life PRICELESS!
Get Your Change for Life Baby Bottle
A baby bottle, for your change, is available at 1610 Stroble Ave. Mendota, IL.